Focus July 2020

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) purchased the Largs Bay from the UK Royal Fleet Auxiliary in order to help support its operations around the world. After extensive sea trials to confirm the condition of the vessel and a major refit to make her suitable for RAN services, she was commissioned as HMAS Choules. As a 16,000-tonne amphibious Landing Ship Dock capable of carrying over 300 troops, 23 Abrams tanks, 150 light trucks, landing craft and capable of operating Navy helicopters, it expanded the RAN fleet’s formidable capability to get landing forces and equipment ashore. However, a number of the warship’s onboard systems were still retained in the UK Royal Fleet Auxiliary configuration, so the Navy undertook a three-year project to carry out the necessary engineering changes that would bring the ship fully into line with Australian Navy requirements. The vessel’s in-service support contractor, A&P appointed us as in-house design support. This represents the first time that we’ve had such a close and involved relationship with an International Ship Security Certificate and a major escalation in the ability to undertake engineering services on an in-service vessel. Upgrading HMAS Choules We’ve developed the first autonomous clamshell Train Loadout System (TLO) in the world. Not only does our ground-breaking solution deliver optimised train loading with industry-leading reliability and repeatability, but it also provides a virtual reality remote operations interface to allow operators to monitor the facility in an immersive, real-time environment. As a result, our system ensures consistent, continuous loadout of trains that will help companies realise operational efficiencies, maximise their stockpile capacity, minimise the costly use of mobile plants, and reduce the cost per tonne handling rate. Creating a World-First in Train Loading Systems We’ve worked with the United Nations Development Programme to develop a flood mitigation strategy for the Vaisigano River in Samoa. Funded by the Green Climate Fund, the project was vital to assessing and managing the floods and drainage in the area. Our flood management team rose to the challenge, using our TUFLOW HPC hydraulic modelling software to assess a wide range of mitigation options to develop an optimal flood mitigation strategy. We’re proud that our high- resolution flood modelling and mapping of the catchment will provide a clearer picture of how best to mitigate destructive floods and help keep residents safe. Keeping Samoa Safe As the financial hub of India, the bustling city of Mumbai had to develop its infrastructure to keep pace with its booming population and the busy lifestyle of its inhabitants. The ever- increasing traffic resulted in the proposal of the Mumbai Coastal Road Project (MCRP) – one of India’s landmark national infrastructure projects. The extent of the first phase of this ambitious 29 km project is 9.98 km, consisting of three packages with roads, bridges, interchanges, tunnels, reclamation and seawalls forming the key components. Thanks to our world-class expertise, a joint venture of the Hindustan Construction Company and Hyundai Development Corporation awarded us the design of the reclamation and seawall marine elements for 2.7 km (Package II) of the first phase of this prestigious project, further cementing our reputation as leaders in the Coastal Infrastructure sector. Our work includes the design of essential rubble-mound seawall and reclamation fill and the subsequent update of the design to incorporate the results of physical model testing. Driving Progress in Mumbai BMT stands ready with Harland & Wolff and Navantia to offer a modern approach to the FSS program that will contribute to sovereign shipbuilding and prosperity for the UK for years to come. Team Resolute combines 159 years of shipbuilding experience at one of the UK’s biggest shipyards, including the two largest dry docks in Europe, with unrivalled auxiliary design experience from UK designer BMT and a world- leading auxiliary shipbuilding track record from Navantia. John Wood, CEO of InfraStrata, said: “This partnership has the capability and credibility to disrupt the UK defence shipbuilding duopoly that currently exists, providing much needed competition in the defence sector to ensure value for money and guaranteed delivery.” ‘Team Resolute’, a New Co-operation for Future Solid Support (FSS) Ships 39 38 We are proud to be a member of Maritime Research and Innovation UK (MarRI-UK), a collaboration between UK industry and academia to jointly tackle innovation and technology challenges. This week, MarRI-UK announced the results of its first funding call; £1.4m has been awarded to 10 organisations as part of the Clean Maritime Call, a MarRI-UK initiative funded by the Department for Transport (DfT). One of those projects is led by us. We are investigating alternative Asset Leasing Models (ALMs) that could be used to accelerate adoption on ships for certain Energy Saving Technologies (ESTs). ESTs are designed to improve vessel efficiency, lower fuel costs and reduce the pollution generated by shipping. By understanding existing commercial leasing models in other sectors and industries, we are hoping to harness best practice and provide a further economic incentive for ship owners and operators to adopt such technologies. Our Research Project Receives Grant from MaRI-UK Image used with permission from Anemoi Marine Technologies Ltd.