01287 BMT Annual Review 2023

Our governance and oversight Our Board is fully committed to ethical business practices, and we are determined to meet our responsibilities to our stakeholders to seek and achieve ongoing improvements in the governance standards that we apply globally across the business. Our ownership structure BMT Group Ltd is the parent company of the group of companies whose ownership is held by the BMT Employee Benefit Trust (EBT). The parent company is a private company limited by guarantee without any share capital. Voting control and legal ownership rests with the EBT Trustees and beneficial ownership rests with current and certain former employees. As part of BMT’s commitment to valuing the voices of employees, we appointed an Employee Director to the Board. Who governs BMT? The Board of Directors of BMT Group Ltd comprises the Chair, Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors and an Employee Director. The Board is responsible for our performance and long-term success, including health and safety, values, standards, controls, and risk management. Using their valuable industry experience and business leadership to develop our vision and strategy, Board members are expected to provide rigorous and constructive challenge on all matters discussed at meetings. Please see our website for a complete list of Board members and their skills and experience. As part of BMT’s commitment to valuing the voices of employees, we appointed an Employee Director to the Board this year. This step recognises the importance of the employee voice in the strategy and governance of the business. It also reflects our values and the emphasis we place on employee engagement. The Employee Director is a full member of the Board. The Board delegates specific responsibilities to Board Committees under the Committee’s Terms of Reference, which transparently set out their respective duties and responsibilities. The Global Delegations Matrix delegates authority across BMT so that every employee understands who can make key business decisions. How did we engage with our employees? The Board recognises the importance of employee engagement and a key part of the Board’s agenda for the year was to appoint an Employee Director. This provides an invaluable way of keeping in touch with employees and for them to have contact with the Board through this appointment. The Employee Director is encouraged to discuss any matters that they consider are relevant, and it provides an opportunity to share insights on the performance of the Board’s role and responsibilities. We also engaged with our employees through a variety of forums. Most importantly, these comprised the Employee Engagement Group (EEG) and Communications Champions, who had regular meetings and provided feedback directly to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Engagement also occurred through regular employee surveys with action updates locally and corporately. The CEO provided regular updates. Each manager met monthly with their employees and fed any findings into the SLT. All local SLTs had regular Town Hall Meetings. The most recent employee survey demonstrated that employees believed they had a strong voice and know how to communicate their views. BMT Group Ltd | Review of performance 22-23 32