01287 BMT Annual Review 2023

Outlook The three major future industry growth drivers will be: net zero, green finance and ESG investment, and digital technology disruption. Our focus will be firmly on applying our full breadth of environmental, technical, and engineering capability to solve the decarbonisation challenges present in the maritime vessel, infrastructure, and energy system markets, as well as servicing the increasing demands for environmental consulting to mineral mining projects. We will also continuously review the disruptive digital technology impacting our services, and where strong business cases can be developed, leverage technology to transform how we create value for our customers. The ongoing ‘war for talent’ and associated resourcing challenge remains the single biggest concern for the medium term. New legislation will create both opportunity and risk for our core service offerings in environmental risk management. This is in addition to continued legislative drivers and compliance tightening around carbon and biodiversity risk disclosure in the UK, Australia, and Canada. All nations within our key regions have set high bars for net zero and homegrown developed energy transition plans, and our environmental capability will be critical in supporting this aspiration. There are numerous major infrastructure projects across offshore wind, hydrogen and carbon capture that will demand our services. Continued support for domestic energy such as oil and gas is also a key part of ensuring successful transition, including decommissioning and mine closure, and business opportunities will continue to arise in these areas. “In 2021, we announced the Ocean Energy Smart Grid Integration Project and are excited to see the milestones coming from it to help get rural communities off diesel and transitioning to renewable energy … a demonstration of the power of collaboration.” Kendra MacDonald CEO, Canada’s Ocean Supercluster. (left) “Well done to the team for the excellent reporting and the development of new visual display tools for environmental monitoring data … it makes working with BMT a pleasure.” Port of Brisbane Australia. (left) 21