01287 BMT Annual Review 2023

Outlook Energy costs, energy security and the drive towards energy transition are likely to remain key drivers for our customers, and will ensure that demand for our asset monitoring services remains high. By ensuring more sustainable, safer, and reliable energy sources, we are positioning ourselves as a sought-after partner for innovative solutions in this evolving energy landscape. We expect this approach to create significant growth opportunities for our asset monitoring services in the year ahead and beyond. Greater Plutonio FPSO System Upgrade. We began work on a complete system update for the Greater Plutonio FPSO, offshore Angola for BP, bringing an older system up to date and highlighting the importance of good service relationships with our long-term clients. The scope of work included an Integrated Marine Monitoring System console upgrade, instrument and field equipment upgrades, telemetry system upgrade, and CALM buoy equipment installation. (above and right) “The Department of Transport would like to thank you for your continuous support, cooperation and partnership throughout the current financial year to deliver excellent outcomes … your support and can do attitude has been an enormous strength … ” Western Australia, Department of Transport, Maintenance Dredging Programme Owner. (right) 13